Last week while watching the Oscars, a commercial caught my attention. It was the True North nut commercial. It showed people telling what their "True North" other words, what inspires them and gives them drive. I felt compelled to consider that very question......what is MY True North? The following is some of what I came up with.
The things that inspire me are things of beauty and simple pleasures.........nature; a smile on a child's face; a dog rolling around in the grass; a hummingbird pausing at a flower for a sip of nature's nectar; an elderly couple holding hands while taking a stroll through a park; a father showing his son how to throw a football; a brother and sister selling lemonade at the end of their driveway on a hot summer day; a family riding bikes together after a long day seperated by school and work; the smell of fresh bread baking; the refreshing taste of ice cold water after a good workout; the feeling of releif at the end of a suspensful book when my favorite character has triumphed over advercity; the feel of the wind while driving through the country with the windows rolled down; the great conversations had with family members while sitting around shelling peas or shucking corn; the look of accomplishment on my children's faces when they have done good and I let them know it; the sound of a church choir singing on Sunday mornings; hearing I Love You Mommy from my sons; exchanging words with my husband by just looking into his eyes and not saying anything; the sound of a baseball bat making contact and the cheer of the crowd; the sound of football players colliding on the field and the rush of excitement when my team scores; the smell of coffee brewing and eggs, bacon and biscuits cooking; the look of excitement on my children's faces on Christmas morning; the relaxation of sitting on a dock or in a boat with my line in the water, waiting for a bite; the joy on my childrens faces as they play outside with their friends; watching my cat wait in attack mode for an unsuspecting family member to come within pouncing range; picking vegetables from a garden that I helped plant; singing Christmas songs and church hymns in the shower; putting the last peice of a 1000-1500 piece puzzle in place; looking through the lens of a camera and seeing the world from a different perspective; watching the sunset over the water; listening to the sounds of water running in a stream; watching a busy chipmunk running back and forth collecting food for his winter pantry; catching lizards with my son Kyle; seeing delight in my son Blake's eyes when he has defeated the bad guy on his X-box; the smell of honeysuckle growing and the sweet taste that comes with it.................I could truly go on and on.....................and I may come back and add more to this list as I feel inspired to do so...............but I encourage each of you to sit and think about the things that inspire you........................figure out what YOUR True North is and stay pointed in that direction always............................well, that is all for this, until we meet again................................Love to all.........................Donna
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